About me

Hi, my name is Mathijs Mortimer and I’ve been an enthousiast of all things technology for as long as I can remember. I started running a few years ago to get in better shape and tried to combine it with body-weight only exercises for variation and strenght building. I found that running was also a great way to order my thoughts and often found solutions to things I was pre-occupied with.

I used a run tracking app for a long time but was really missing a way for me to track my other exercises. I’m not very competitive by nature and felt a lot of the workout apps are focussed too much on statistics and competition. I had the idea to build my own app for a while and finally decided to built it mid 2019. After a few long nights I knew I was onto something!

If you are interested in more of the background story around bootRunner, check out my blog post.

Hope you guys feel the same way too, please don’t hestitate to contact me if you have any questions, suggestions or criticism!

Ps. I co-founded another fun side business with some friends, called Moorspots. We aim to help sailors and cruisers around the world find and share the best marinas and anchorages. Check us out if you’re interested!